DR.CYJ Hair Filler is an injectable, based on a patented formula 0f 7 peptides and hyaluronic-acid, for the revitalisation of hair and scalp. DR.CYJ Hair Filler can help to decrease hair loss and be effective in the treatment of hair regrowth. The product is the result of 13 years R&D by Caregen and was successfully launched in 2016.
Dr Cyj Hair Filler is a clear transparent and low viscosity solution supplied in a sterilized glass syringe. Dr Cyj Hair Filler is a unique form of 0.7% hyaluronic acid and peptide complex. Dr Cyj contains peptides, amino acid micromolecules that replace the growth factors with macromolecules – activating bio-reaction. Peptides are targeted to help hair-related problems:
Improves blood circulation at the scalp area
Stimulates hair growth and hair density
Regeneration of skin, moisturising and nourishing of hair
Hair loss prevention
Scalp care
Inhibit hair loss and improve hair follicle rejuvenation for stronger hair
This peptide-hyaluronic acid treatment ensures in many cases for the reversal of the hair loss process and at the same time revitalises the scalp and hair follicles to stimulate hair regrowth. The formula of patented peptides and hyaluronic acid strengthens the hair into the hair follicles, leading according to clinical research to more, thicker and stronger hair.

DR CYJ Hair Filler has a powerful regenerating effect on the hair follicles and scalp.
It improves their microcirculation and nutrition, which significantly accelerates hair growth and stops their loss.
Activates dormant hair follicles. Strengthens thin, brittle hair, restores hair vitality.
Thanks to a combination of stabilised hyaluronic acid and high-tech regulatory peptides, we get a pronounced clinical effect.
Patented peptides, as active ingredients of products, without medicinal chemical components, almost completely exclude the occurrence of undesirable and side effects and ensure high efficacy of preparations, regardless of the cause of hair loss;
Versatility – preparations can be used by both men and women, regardless of age;
Clinical evidence of in-vivo and in-vitro tests, clinical randomised trials
Efficacy – a pronounced result in a short time.
The first in the world hair filler-revitaliser
Has a powerful regenerating effect on hair follicles and scalp
Improves their microcirculation and nutrition
Accelerates hair growth and stops hair loss
Activates dormant hair follicles
Strengthens thin, brittle hair, restores hair vitality