Fat Dissolving Injections
Aqualyx® is an injectable fat reduction procedure, used to ‘dissolve’ stubborn pockets of fat which remain resistant to diet or exercise.
The Aqualyx® treatment is suitable for tackling areas around the face or on the body, wherever fat gathers. For example, areas that might be treated include:
Tummy, ‘muffin top’, stomach or abdomen
Gips or ‘saddle bags’
Thighs – including inner thigh area
‘Bingo wings’ – upper arms
Inner thighs
Double chin
‘Man boobs’
Fat cheeks
How does Aqualyx® Work?
Aqualyx® is based on a formulation containing deoxycholic acid. This is a secondary bile acid which the body naturally produces to liquefy the fat in the gut.
Aqualyx® injections liquefy the fat cells, destroying them permanently and releasing lipids which are then expelled by the body through the lymphatic system.
This is not a weight loss treatment or an alternative to diet and exercise; but Aqualyx® injections are very helpful in refining body shape by tackling those areas that are stubborn and resistant to exercise.
The human body is designed to store fat in certain areas as an ‘emergency ration’. Fat cells in the deep subcutaneous tissue are difficult to diminish. Aqualyx® literally reduces the amount of fat cells in those areas most resistant to toning.
Sometimes regular exercise and a well-balanced diet still don’t give the streamlined physique we’re after. The cause for this is often genetic, relating to the structure of fat cells in certain areas. So if your mother had a tendency to a double chin, you may unfortunately inherit it.
The human body is designed to store fat in certain areas as an ’emergency ration’. Fat cells in the deep subcutaneous tissue are difficult to diminish. Aqualyx® literally reduces the amount of fat cells in those areas most resistant to toning.

You can just have one session if you wish, but we recommend a course of sessions for a more comprehensive result. This would typically involve 1-3 sessions for smaller facial areas, 3-5 sessions for larger body areas (e.g. thighs). Sessions are usually 4-6 weeks apart, depending on the area being treated.
It does take time for the fat to be broken down and expelled by the body, so results are not instant. Some people may see significant results after 1 or 2 sessions, but for larger areas with more fat to break down, expect a few more sessions.
This can vary enormously. It is important to have a healthy diet and active lifestyle in order to maintain a good result, as Aqualyx is not a weight loss solution, nor is it an alternative to diet and exercise.